Theorems of the alternative to the rescue

Dec. 24, 2013

Exercise 64.2 in Osborne and Rubinstein’s Course in Game Theory asks:

Show that in a finite strategic game any mixed strategy of a player that is not weakly dominated is a best response to a belief that assigns positive probability to every vector of actions of the other players.

The question also gives a hint following which leads to a solution that make the authors’ solution manual itself remark “This exercise is difficult”.

In this post I want to show that this problem becomes quite easy if one makes use of a ‘Theorem of the Alternative’. Theorems of the alternative present two sets of linear equations or inequalities and claim that of the two exactly one has a solution. They have a geometric interpretation in terms of our ability to separate different convex sets. However, since the convex sets being considered are defined by a finite number of equations and/or inequalities these theorems have simple inductive proofs, unlike the more powerful separating hyperplane theorem.

A very good resource for theorems of the alternatives is Mangasarian’s Nonlinear Programming. For our problem we pick the following:

Tucker’s Theorem of the Alternative

Let BB, CC and DD be given matrices, with BB being nonvacuous. Then either Bx0,Cx0,Dx=0Bx\ge 0,\qquad Cx \geqq 0,\qquad Dx=0 has a solution xx, or, By2+Cy3+Dy4=0,y2>0,y30B'y_2+C'y_3+D'y_4=0,\qquad y_2>0,\qquad y_3 \geqq 0 has a solution y2y_2, y3y_3, y4y_4 but never both.

This is Theorem 2.4.3 in Mangasarian’s book.

The vector inequalities used above have the following meanings: u>vui>vi,for all iuvuivi,for all iuvuivi,for all i but uv \begin{align*} u>v &\Leftrightarrow u_i > v_i, \text{for all $i$}\\ u\geqq v &\Leftrightarrow u_i \ge v_i, \text{for all $i$} \\u\ge v &\Leftrightarrow u_i \ge v_i, \text{for all $i$ but $u \neq v$} \end{align*}

The Solution

Now we are in a position to solve Osborne and Rubinstein’s problem, which was:

Show that in a finite strategic game any mixed strategy of a player that is not weakly dominated is a best response to a belief that assigns positive probability to every vector of actions of the other players.

Let m*m^* be the mixed strategy of player kk that we are trying to justify. We define the p×np \times n matrix BB as follows: Bij=uk(akj,aki)uk(m*,aki)B_{ij}= u_k(a_k^j,a_{-k}^i)-u_k(m^*,a_{-k}^i) where jj ranges over all actions of player kk with akja_k^j being the jj-th action and ii ranges over all tuples of actions of players other than kk and akia_{-k}^i is the ii-th such tuple.

Let II denote the n×nn \times n identity matrix.

Since m*m^* is not weakly dominated, the system Bx0,Ix0 \begin{equation}\label{eq:nweakly} Bx \ge 0,\qquad Ix \geqq 0 \end{equation} cannot have a solution. The proof is by contradiction. Since Ix0Ix \geqq 0 we have xj0x_j \ge 0 for all jj. Since Bx0Bx \neq 0 we have x0x \neq 0. Define z=1jxjx.z=\frac{1}{\sum_j x_j} x. We can interpret zz as a vector of probabilities. From $\eqref{eq:nweakly}$ and the definition of zz it follows that Bz0Bz \ge 0. Expanding this using the definition of BB above we see that this means that the mixed strategy for player kk given by zz weakly dominates the mixed strategy m*m^*, something which we have ruled out by assumption.

Now we apply Tucker’s Theorem of the Alternative with BB as defined, C=IC=I and DD vacuous, to conclude that the system By2+Iy3=0,y2>0,y30B'y_2+I'y_3 = 0,\qquad y_2 > 0, \qquad y_3 \geqq 0 does have a solution.

Since II is an identity matrix and y30y_3 \geqq 0 it follows from the equation above that By20 \begin{equation}\label{eq:byleq} B'y_2 \leqq 0 \end{equation} We define w=1iy2iy2.w = \frac{1}{\sum_i y_{2i}} y_2. Then ww can be seen as a probability distribution that assigns positive probability to each outcome (since y2>0y_2>0). From $\eqref{eq:byleq}$ we have by linearity, Bw0.B'w \leqq 0. Expanding this using our definition of BB we see that this shows that m*m^* is a best response to the belief that the tuple akia_{-k}^i of opponents’ actions occurs with probability wiw_i. Hence Exercise 64.2 is solved.

One caveat. When the number of players is three or more, the beliefs given by ww may imply correlation among the actions of different opponents. Everything is fine as far as the exercise is concerned since Osborne and Rubinstein allow such correlated beliefs, but this convention is not universal in the literature.